Ethics and reporting
The Code of Ethics sets out the mission, values and principles that the International Health Unit (IHU) intends to apply in all its actions, whether at head office or in the various countries where it works. Management, staff, trainees, consultants and all those who work with USI undertake to respect this code.
It governs the activities carried out by staff on behalf of the ICU. The private conduct of staff members is a personal matter, except when it is detrimental to the reputation, image or integrity of ICU, its staff or its partners.
Code of conduct for preventing and combating sexual violence
The mission of the International Health Unit goes hand in hand with the promotion of gender equality, empowerment of partner organizations and respect for partners and beneficiary populations.
It is essential for the IHU to prevent and combat sexual violence, including sexual exploitation and abuse, and to take all necessary measures to deal with it.
The Code of Conduct for Preventing and Combating Sexual Violence aims to create a respectful working environment for employees, interns, volunteers and partners, and to protect the beneficiaries of our projects from sexual violence.
The Code promotes an intersectional, consent-based and survivor-centered approach.
Employees, volunteers, interns, local staff, managers, board members, subcontractors and all those who collaborate with USI must adhere to it.
Consult the Code of conduct for preventing and combating sexual violence
How do I report an incident?
How do I report an incident?
To report an incident, please send an e-mail to the following address
All reports will be treated in the strictest confidence.
We encourage you to provide your name when reporting an incident, but anonymous reports will be treated with equal importance.
All survivors are free to pursue any outside recourse they deem appropriate. This code does not prevent a member from reporting sexual violence to the police or filing a complaint of sexual violence through the local criminal justice system. In preparing your email, please note the date, time, location, details of the incident, names of those involved, including witnesses.
Please also consider the questions below in your preparation:
- If you are the surviving person: Are you still at risk?
- Do you fear reprisals? If you are a witness: Does the surviving person know that you are reporting the incident?
- Is the surviving person still at risk? Are you at risk? If there were witnesses: Who are they? Can they be contacted? Are they at risk?
- Does the incident involve a minor?
Depending on the information gathered, it will be determined whether an investigation should be held. If there is insufficient information to open an investigation, the complaint will be documented and kept confidential in order to respect the rights of those involved, while leaving a documented trail in the event of further reports.
To report an incident anonymously, please complete the following form:
Whether the report is made using the anonymous form or by e-mail, its treatment remains strictly confidential.