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/ International Health Unit


Community mobilization

Several of the interventions implemented by the USI and its partners are based on the key component of community mobilization, especially when it comes to actions aimed at increasing the demand for health care services and expanding their use. Community mobilization around common goals often leads to different types of community organizations.

These are likely to modify the dynamics within communities (better sharing of power between women and men and real participation of young people) and to tackle obstacles related to access to services and care, obstacles which are geographical, economic and even sociocultural. The implementation of these interventions therefore responds to a structured approach based on the needs and expectations of the population.

Their success is conditional upon the involvement of communities at all stages. The USI therefore fosters such approaches to help strengthen health systems, particularly at the operational level.
Some examples of our involvement:

- Support for civil society organizations, particularly women’s organizations, involved in mobilizing communities and promoting the decision-making power of women and girls;

- Support for health structures of the government and civil society organizations for access to information about communities through a set of social communication activities;

- Support for the establishment of community health solidarity funds and motorbike ambulance management committees;

- Support for networks of host families who can receive pregnant women who are distant from health services or who are at risk;

- Strengthening of community health associations in their role of mobilizing communities to get involved in health management.