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/ International Health Unit


Gender equality

Gender equality is supported in the majority of projects implemented by the USI and its partners, through both specific and transversal strategies. It translates into reflections and actions on gender norms and their impact on the health of populations. Concretely, the USI supports the empowerment of women, working with and on healthy masculinities, as well as the fight against gender-based violence.

Some examples of our involvement:

- Gender-based analysis plus (GBA +) and evaluation of the impact of policies, programs, services or other initiatives on various people, taking into account other identity factors (age, culture, language, education, sexual orientation, disability, religion);

- Participative scripting of plays on violence against women;

- Capacity building in health and fight against obstetric violence, in rights and health, in practices harmful to health;

- Support for the integration of menstrual health into sexual and reproductive health and related rights;

- Establishment of committees of women who are users of health services to increase their use and boost their quality;

- Measures implemented to get women involved in the management of health services at the community level;

- Implementation of measures so that female health personnel benefit from skill development opportunities as much as their male colleagues do;

- Involvement of men in the reduction of maternal mortality and the improvement of the health of women.