Team and management

International Health Unit's is headquartered in Montreal, Canada. Its technical teams actively collaborate with local partners to implement and monitor project activities in the field.
IHU Team
Project coordinators
Monitoring and evaluation and program development specialist
Counsellor - Gender equality ad human rights
Communications manager
Administration and Finance Manager
Administration technicians
To contact the IHU : 514-890-8156
Or write to us by email
Management Committee
President of the board
Carl-Ardy Dubois, dean of the School of Public Health (ESPUM) at the University of Montreal
Members of the office
Valérie Amiraux, Vice-Rector of International Affairs and Community Partnerships
Frédéric Abergel, CEO of the University of Montreal hospital center
Karina Dubois, Director of the International Health Unit (Unité de santé internationale – USI)
Appointed members
Luc Boileau, national director of public health of Québec
Patrick Cossette, dean of the medecine faculty of the University of Montreal
Helene Salette, general director of SIDIIEF
Binta Tidiane Diallo, WHO representative in Togo
Christina Zarowsky, full professor, department of social and preventive medecine at ESPUM