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Kazakhstan: Supporting the Healthcare System Through Quality Management

Since February 2019, the International Health Unit (USI)—Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) has been supporting the Republic of Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Health in transforming its Joint Commission on Health Care Quality (JCHCQ)

This project, successfully executed by the École de santé publique de l’Université de Montréal (ESPUM), the Institut national d’excellence en santé et services sociaux du Québec (INESSS) and other USI network consultants, was designed to provide institutional support to the JCHCQ. The JCHCQ was established in 2015 as part of Kazakhstan’s health insurance reform with the aim of improving healthcare service delivery, accessibility, quality and effectiveness, while reducing financial risks to the population that are caused by serious health problems.

The JCHCQ, which oversees healthcare system quality, should gradually be transformed into an independent and financially autonomous organization, dedicated to developing, implementing and monitoring quality procedures and standards (protocols, best clinical practices, health technology assesment, accreditation processes and institutional performance reviews).

Backed by the expertise that was mobilized, this 22-month project equipped the partners with the following tools:


  • A vision for an integrated quality management system;
  • A feasible, original model for the JCHCQ, adapted to context, and based on best international practices;
  • A series of documents detailing the transformed JCHCQ’s structure and processes;
  • A series of documents outlining strategies bringing professional associations onboard, while increasing their motivation and ability to contribute to quality management;
  • A draft five-year strategic action plan;
  • Initial capacity-building with material (including video clips) that can be used for further training.


The Institutional Support to the JCHCQ Project concluded in December 2020, the organization’s fifth anniversary.


Institutional Support to the Joint Commission on Health Care Quality Project—Phase II, has benefited from financial support from the government of Kazakhstan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development